10 Types Of Blog Posts To WOW Your Audience

You’ve gotten the message!
You should be writing blogs.
You understand how it’s going to help SEO traffic from Google find you, and help you get more traffic on your website, and all the good stuff that goes with that. Like sales and everything like that.
But what do you write about?
We’re going to go over that right now! What are the 10 blog posts types that you can write to wow your audience?
Blog post type number 1: The How-To Post
It’s pretty obvious. It’s pretty self-explanatory. You write a post describing how to do something.
You know how to do things better than your audience. Otherwise, they wouldn’t come to you. Otherwise, they wouldn’t want you to do things for them and buy things from you, right?
You simply describe to them exactly how you go about doing something.
Things to keep in mind are: obviously keep this process very simple, very actionable. Don’t give your audience something that they couldn’t actually do.
If they need some other resource to go about completing that how-to action sort of steps that you’re giving them, then put the link in there.
Say, you know, check out “rocket expansion” to learn how to do the SEO step or checkout “whatever whatever” your favorite resource that’s helped you a lot. And direct them there so they can actually complete the task, and they can feel “wow I really got helped out by this how-to blog post”.
So that’s the first one, the how-to post.
Blog post type number 2: The List Post
The next one which is probably I think the most useful the most popular that everybody uses all over the place just because it works so damn well, is the list post.
You see it all the time: “Ten ways to…” you know… I mean this post right here is a list post, right? Ten types of blog posts to WOW your audience.
You could almost say it’s a how-to post too because it kind of says how you can WOW your audience, but it’s basically a list post.
You also get combinations of list posts and how-to post. So it’s like “ten ways to make lemonade” or “ten ways you walk your dog backwards” or whatever you want to write about, but the essential thing with a list post the audience, your reader, knows exactly how many items they are in for.
So they go “okay this read is 10 long” or “this read is 15 long”. They know they’re going to get 15 watchathingamajigamaging’s and they’re happy with that.
And also if you want to really just sort of outdo everybody else, you can see everyone else has only got ten or they’ve got 12, but I’m gonna do sixty-seven! And that kind of makes you look a little bit better.
So people go “okay well maybe I should rather read the sixty-seven”. it’s just got more value in it.
So that’s the next one the list post. I definitely recommend you write a lot of list posts.
Blog post type number 3: The Expert Roundup
The next one, which is a type of list post, is called “the expert roundup”.
So the expert roundup is when you actually go around the web, or even better you actually network and find out a bunch of experts in your niche, and you ask them for quotes. You ask them for what they would do on the subject of your blog post.
So, you know, maybe it’s “12 author marketing experts share their advice to help new authors get traction online”.
So now you go and you find all these author marketing experts. You actually reach out to them, and you get a little quote from them, and you say “We’d love to feature some of your valuable knowledge on our blog”, and of course what happens, you know, obviously some of them will say yes.
Some of them will ignore you as always happens if you’re just reaching out to a whole bunch of people. That’s fine.
Some of them will be pretty keen.
They’re being featured as an expert on another person’s online platform. It makes them look good. Why would they say no?
So then, you get your 12. You can maybe put your own little comment show in each one, and say why it’s good, or write the post to tie them together. But it’s relatively easy to create because apart from just getting hold of the people, which can be a little bit of a thing sometimes, but once you’ve got all the quotes, and once you put them together, it’s just basically compiling what a bunch of people have already said.
You can link to their blogs or relevant information on their sites, but the expert roundup is really awesome because it helps you get traffic.
Once you post it, you can then reach out to all the experts that contributed and say “Hey I’ve actually just featured you in this post, as you know. I’ve written about you and I featured your expert tip here. I’d love if you could share it or let your audience know or even link back to it.”
And a good, good bunch of time, those experts and the people you featured will go “okay, sure sounds great” and then they’ll give you some of their traffic. You will win over a little bit of their audience as your own as well.
So that’s number three, the expert roundup.
Blog post type number 4: The Interview Post
Number Next is the interview post.
So we just featured one of these on our website. I was featured in a summit, The Children’s Book Mastery Summit and Karen (the host) very nicely shared the interview that was between her and me on, I think it was, “how to get more traffic to your author website”.
So if you look on our blog post you’ll see that that’s the last post up I think before this one. It’s an interview post. She basically asked me questions. I give her answers, and it’s nice to get a kind of a dialogue feel.
If there’s a video that goes with it, you can put the video there as well, and you could break it down into headings.
That’s quite a useful way, each little bunch of interview information has got its own heading. So people can kind of skip to the section that they’re interested in.
So that’s the interview post. It’s also a good way to get more website traffic because, like in the expert roundup, you can ask the person you interviewed or who interviewed you, to share and link to your post as well. It exposes you to their audience as well a lot of the time.
Blog post type number 5: The What Is Post
Next one is the what is post. This is very simply, you are wanting to maybe help your audience understand about a certain type of thing, and you’re just going to say “well, what is that thing” and explain it.
I mean “what is a marketing funnel?” could be a great post.
“What is SEO?” I mean these things sound stupid and simple but they really provide a lot of value when you define something in a way that helps people really understand what that thing is better.
It can be an excellent post and if you want to take your audience into a deeper understanding of something that you go over a lot.
I would very much suggest you write a few what is posts.
Blog post type number 6: The Why Post
The next one is the why post.
Now this actually could have a huge amount of variations. But basically, you’re saying “Why does blah-dee-blah” or you can ask a question like this “Does every business need X?” that’s kind of like a why post. You’re saying well why a business needs it or why the business doesn’t need it?
You could, you know, a kind of variation of the why post is “why not”. You could say “why you don’t need blah.”
It’s basically the “reasoning behind” post, and you’re going to explain the reasoning behind something.
You can take completely one angle or another angle.
You can kind of play 2 angles against each other like “why you need a successful…” or “why you need…”, let’s say “why you need fewer pages in your website menu but more pages on your website”.
So it’s kind of like you could play a big thing off with a small thing. I’m not saying that is the truth or whatever (with website pages and menus). I’m just giving an example.
Great, so that’s the why post.
Blog post type number 7: The Trending Topic Post
And number seven is the trending topic post.
This is pretty self-explanatory. An example: I saw Dr. Berg do a video post about the coronavirus… So the coronavirus was a trending topic in February 2020, and he went over all the coronaviruses… and what a coronavirus is.
I was pretty interested to hear that there are many types of coronavirus. They just happened to call this coronavirus THE coronavirus, but actually, there are many types of coronavirus and some of them aren’t dangerous at all.
Anyway, I find that quite an interesting trending topic. He’s a health expert. He’s like, “Okay I’m going to talk about the coronavirus because it’s a trending topic” and no doubt people, anybody who’s kind of interested in Dr. Berg or interested in health, they want to know about the coronavirus.
They feel like he’s an expert. They go “Okay I’m gonna learn about the coronavirus from Dr. Berg”.
There you go: trending topic. Grab onto that. You immediately get that now-now interest that jumps on board and learns about you, and learns more from you like that.
Blog post type number 8: The Review Post
Next one is the review post.
So if you know your audience, and you want to kind of show them that you know about their world, obviously you are kind of interested in a lot of the same things they are.
You can go in and say well, maybe you want to let them know about a new book you’ve just read and you’re maybe one of the first to read this book. It’s just been released, and you really got through it fast.
Cool, you can write a review of what you feel about that book.
You can say, you know, no spoilers or spoiler alert, if you’ve read it or you can do that whole kind of thing.
You could review products.
You can review processes that are available. You could do all sorts of reviews but a review gives your audience that rare behind-the-scenes look so they don’t have to commit to really buying or subscribing or whatever, and a lot of people will come and just check you out just to see what your review is.
So that is number eight: the review post.
Blog post type number 9: The Case Study Post
Number nine is the case study post.
A case study is just simply going through an example of how you have completed a task or completed a project, and delivered it, and it’s kind of you could say it’s a success story or maybe not even a success story.
Maybe it’s what you’ve learned through quite a difficult project that you had that maybe wasn’t even a success, but it still gives valuable information because you, maybe you didn’t really win the job but you did win the lesson. If you follow what I’m saying.
Something like that, right? So that’s a kind of case study.
It can almost be a bit of a story.
You can also take other people’s case studies. You can say, I don’t know, “How the building of Mcdonald’s as a business is an exercise in smart real estate choosing.”
Something like that right? Just making that up as I go along.
So a case study could be about somebody else’s story and that also could be very valuable to your readers and then gives you the opportunity to back it up with other information that you find in research. So that can be a great one as well.
Your own case studies, I find, make very nice blog posts because they also help you kind of sell what you can do.
You can show the results you produced for your previous clients and that really helps take people that are maybe thinking of giving you a chance and really gives them a behind-the-scenes look.
So they can go “okay cool, well if they did that for those guys maybe you can also do that for me”.
So I highly recommend the case study as a type of post.
Blog post type number 10: The Guest Post
And number ten… This could be almost any one of these posts but I think it’s a very important one to include: The guest post.
So guest posting is an important part of your blogging strategy. You actually aren’t going to have the guest post on your own blog. You’re going to have it on somebody else’s blog.
You’re going to reach out through any channel possible. Sometimes it’s in-person. Sometimes it’s on a call. You can find somebody on LinkedIn. You can network through email. However which way…
But you basically reach out to another blog and find the right person and you say “Hey, I would love to write a post on your blog”.
In that post, you make sure you link back to the posts on your blog or website that you want people to read more about, and you write an excellent post for their blog.
They’re happy. They get free content and you’re happy you get traffic coming from their blog through that link, and that link from their blog also helps the SEO on your website. Pretty much the most important factor that helps websites rank for certain keywords is the number of links, and the strength of the links, that come from other websites to your websites and to those blog posts on your website.
That’s the guest post.
The other side of the guest post is, of course, let other people guest post on your own blog and the benefit, of course, is that you get free content.
I’ve just had two guest posts on our blog and it’s great, you know. They give you the content. You maybe just put a featured image there for the top or whatever. You can do a tiny bit of editing if you want or you can just put it up as it is. There you go, “presto!” new content.
So that is the ten types of blog posts that you can write to WOW your audience.
Tell me about which one you are going to write about next…?

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