If you hate author website costs, raise your hand

If you hate author website costs, raise your hand


Author website guy Matt here.

I haven’t emailed you a more personal update for a while.

I’ve been deep in my secret underground lab experimenting on pixels again, looking for new ways to help authors like you market your books more effectively online… (without paying an arm and a leg)

Over the years, we’ve been pumping out author websites at a furious pace.

In fact, in the past two weeks alone, we’ve launched:

  1. New York Times Bestseller, Correspondent for NBC News, and personal friend and biographer of Pope Jean-Paul II, George Weigel’s website.
  2. Fran Severn’s, women’s riding resources book site and content hub.
  3. Debut fantasy author, Hamsa Buvaraghan’s, magical Indonesian adventure website.
  4. Karen McDonald’s, endearing true story for children’s website about her dog big Max.

These are all custom-built, premium websites, and we’ll continue to build these for authors who are looking for this,


I know not every author can afford to spend a few thousand dollars on my team of creative magic workers to create these kinds of marvels.


This is what has been occupying my mind (and my time):

How do I help the authors who can’t afford, or aren’t ready for, a big, splashy, fancy website?

…but still offer a professional author website designed to market their books?

The real problem:

It’s not one lonely coder dude in a basement making our author websites

(you can almost hear him screaming “Mooooom!”, right?)

We’re a team of talented creatives with years of experience using powerful, pro-level tech tools.

And, well, that just don’t come cheap!

So my question became:

How could I also offer a professional website option for authors, that didn’t involve:

  1. the high costs of my talented team’s salaries
  2. our monthly software costs needed to build these kinds of sites?

The price needed to be in the hundreds at most, not the thousands, and it needed to be simple for us and simple for you, our authors.

It needed to be a place you’d be happy to call home for your website.

I haven’t talked about this puzzle much until now,

and it’s taken me over a year to solve.

I’ve even fully built it.

Then fully rebuilt it.

Tested it.

Sold a few demo models,

and tested it again.

Curious as to what this is? Reply and tell me what you’d love it to be.

If you guess right I’ll maybe even throw in something extra special for you on the big reveal coming soon.

Matt “loves a good cliffhanger ending” Ziranek

PS: In my next email I’ll go over a few different options you have right now on building your website online, which one I strongly recommend, and why.